Protecting God’s Children

Protecting God’s Children

Creating a VIRTUS Online account:

1.) Go to
2.) Create a VIRTUS Online account by pressing the green button labeled "First-Time Registrant" on the left side of the webpage.
3.) Select "Begin the registration process."
4.) Select "Boston (Archdiocese)" from the dropdown menu. 
5.) Follow the prompts to create your account. 
6.) If asked to select a parish, scroll down to “Our Lady of Fatima (Sudbury)” - unfortunately, the Archdiocese has not updated the parish listings to include recently created Collaborative/Parish names. Thus, Ascension Parish will not be listed. 

Registering for a Session:

After creating your Virtus Online account, please:
1.) Go to
2.) Login to your account. 
3.) On your account homepage, click the blue link titled "Register for Training" which is located underneath the green "Current Training" menu/box. 
4.) A list will populate with all available upcoming training sessions throughout the Archdiocese of Boston. 
5) Select either of the upcoming courses being offered at Ascension Parish or another available session. 

For anyone who does not register for one of our sessions, please ask them to supply the date and location of the session they attended so we can verify completion with the Office of Pastoral Support and Child Protection at RCAB. 


Congrats, Fr. Gerald!


Starting Strong